diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c700aab..40acd68 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
:information_source: This repository contains interview questions on various DevOps related topics
-:bar_chart: There are currently **300** questions
+:bar_chart: There are currently **312** questions
:warning: You don't need to know how to answer all the questions in this repo. DevOps is not about knowing all :)
@@ -2017,6 +2017,7 @@ A short way of using if/else. An example:
What does SQL stand for?
Structured Query Language
@@ -2103,6 +2104,7 @@ Customer_ID | Customer_Name | Items_in_cart | Cash_spent_to_Date
100206 | Bobby Frank | 1 | 100.20
Customer_ID | Order_ID | Item | Price | Date_sold
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
100206 | A123 | Rubber Ducky | 2.20 | 2019-09-18
@@ -2117,38 +2119,30 @@ Customer_ID | Order_ID | Item | Price | Date_sold
How would I select all fields from this table?
-Select *
+Select *
From Customers;
How many items are in John's cart?
-Select Items_in_cart
-From Customers
+Select Items_in_cart
+From Customers
Where Customer_Name = "John Smith";
What is the sum of all the cash spent across all customers?
-Select SUM(Cash_spent_to_Date) as SUM_CASH
+Select SUM(Cash_spent_to_Date) as SUM_CASH
From Customers;
How many people have items in their cart?
-Select count(1) as Number_of_People_w_items
-From Customers
-where Items_in_cart > 0;
-How many people have items in their cart?
-Select count(1) as Number_of_People_w_items
-From Customers
+Select count(1) as Number_of_People_w_items
+From Customers
where Items_in_cart > 0;
@@ -2159,9 +2153,42 @@ You would join them on the unique key. In this case, the unique key is Customer_
both the Customers table and Orders table
+How would you show which customer ordered which items?
+Select c.Customer_Name, o.Item
+From Customers c
+Left Join Orders o
+ On c.Customer_ID = o.Customer_ID;
#### Advanced
+Using a with statement, how would you show who ordered cat food, and the total amount of money spent?
+with cat_food as (
+Select Customer_ID, SUM(Price) as TOTAL_PRICE
+From Orders
+Where Item like "%Cat Food%"
+Group by Customer_ID
+Select Customer_name, TOTAL_PRICE
+From Customers c
+Inner JOIN cat_food f
+ ON c.Customer_ID = f.Customer_ID
+where c.Customer_ID in (Select Customer_ID from cat_food);
+Although this was a simple statement, the "with" clause really shines is when
+a complex query needs to be run on a table before joining to another. With statements are nice,
+because you create a pseudo temp when running your query, instead of creating a whole new table.
+The Sum of all the purchases of cat food weren't readily available, so we used a with statement to create
+the pseudo table to retrieve the sum of the prices spent by each customer, then join the table normally.
## Scenarios
Scenarios are questions which don't have verbal answer and require you one of the following: