diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2cd45b6..f3c886c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1642,6 +1642,19 @@ Swarm management which means you can create new swarms in Docker Cloud.
What are some characteristics of the Python programming language?
+1. It is a high level general purpose programming language created in 1991 by Guido Van Rosum.
+2. The language is interpreted, being the CPython (Written in C) the most used/maintained implementation.
+3. It is strongly typed. The typing discipline is duck typing and gradual.
+4. Python focuses on readability and makes use of whitespaces/identation instead of brackets { }
+5. The python packate manager is called PIP "pip installs packages", having more than 200.000 available packages.
+6. Python comes with pip installed and a big standard library that offers the programmer many precooked solutions.
+7. In python **Everything** is an object.
+There are many other characteristics but these are the main ones that every python programmer should know.
@@ -1679,6 +1692,71 @@ PEP8 is a list of coding conventions and style guidelines for Python
Explain inheritance and how to use it in Python
+By definition inheritance is the mechanism where an object acts as a base of another object, retaining all its
+So if Class B inherits from Class A, every characteristics from class A will be also available in class B.
+Class A would be the 'Base class' and B class would be the 'derived class'.
+This comes handy when you have several classes that share the same functionalities.
+The basic syntax is:
+class Base: pass
+class Derived(Base): pass
+A more forged example:
+class Animal:
+ def __init__(self):
+ print("and I'm alive!")
+ def eat(self, food):
+ print("ñom ñom ñom", food)
+class Human(Animal):
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ print('My name is ', name)
+ super().__init__()
+ def write_poem(self):
+ print('Foo bar bar foo foo bar!')
+class Dog(Animal):
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ print('My name is', name)
+ super().__init__()
+ def bark(self):
+ print('woof woof')
+michael = Human('Michael')
+bruno = Dog('Bruno')
+>>> My name is Michael
+>>> and I'm alive!
+>>> ñom ñom ñom Spam
+>>> Foo bar bar foo foo bar!
+>>> My name is Bruno
+>>> and I'm alive!
+>>> ñom ñom ñom bone
+>>> woof woof
+Calling super() calls the Base method, thus, calling super().__init__() we called the Animal __init__.
+There is a more advanced python feature called MetaClasses that aid the programmer to directly control class creation.
@@ -1694,7 +1772,18 @@ PEP8 is a list of coding conventions and style guidelines for Python
Shortest way is str[::-1]
but not the most efficient.
+"Classic" way:
+foo = ''
+for char in 'pizza':
+ foo = char + foo
+>> 'azzip'
@@ -1705,7 +1794,7 @@ Shortest way is str[::-1]
but not the most efficient.
What _ is used for in Python?
1. Translation lookup in i18n
-2. Hold the result of the last executed expression or statement
+2. Hold the result of the last executed expression or statement in the interactive interpreter.
3. As a general purpose "throwaway" variable name. For example: x, y, _ = get_data() (x and y are used but since we don't care about third variable, we "threw it away").
@@ -1719,6 +1808,12 @@ Shortest way is str[::-1]
but not the most efficient.
How to write to a file?
+with open('file.txt', 'w') as file:
+ file.write("My insightful comment")
@@ -1740,8 +1835,22 @@ sorted(x, key=lambda l: l[1])
Extract all type of foods. Final output should be: {'mushrooms', 'goombas', 'turtles'}
+brothers_menu = \
+[{'name': 'Mario', 'food': ['mushrooms', 'goombas']}, {'name': 'Luigi', 'food': ['mushrooms', 'turtles']}]
+# "Classic" Way
+def get_food(brothers_menu) -> set:
+ temp = []
+ for brother in brothers_menu:
+ for food in brother['food']:
+ temp.append(food)
+ return set(temp)
set([food for bro in x for food in bro['food']])
@@ -1751,9 +1860,18 @@ set([food for bro in x for food in bro['food']])
How to reverse a string?
-Shortest way is: my_string[::-1]
but it doesn't mean it's the most efficient one.
+Shortest way is: my_string[::-1]
but it doesn't mean it's the most efficient one.
+Cassic way is:
+def reverse_string(string):
+ temp = ""
+ for char in string:
+ temp = char + temp
+ return temp
Write a function to determine if a given string is a palindrome