available_text_models: ["gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k", "gpt-4-1106-preview", "gpt-4-vision-preview", "gpt-4", "text-davinci-003", "gpt-4o"] info: gpt-3.5-turbo: type: chat_completion name: ChatGPT description: ChatGPT is that well-known model. It's fast and cheap. Ideal for everyday tasks. If there are some tasks it can't handle, try the GPT-4. price_per_1000_input_tokens: 0.0015 price_per_1000_output_tokens: 0.002 scores: Smart: 3 Fast: 5 Cheap: 5 gpt-3.5-turbo-16k: type: chat_completion name: GPT-16K description: ChatGPT is that well-known model. It's fast and cheap. Ideal for everyday tasks. If there are some tasks it can't handle, try the GPT-4. price_per_1000_input_tokens: 0.003 price_per_1000_output_tokens: 0.004 scores: Smart: 3 Fast: 5 Cheap: 5 gpt-4: type: chat_completion name: GPT-4 description: GPT-4 is the smartest and most advanced model in the world. But it is slower and not as cost-efficient as ChatGPT. Best choice for complex intellectual tasks. price_per_1000_input_tokens: 0.03 price_per_1000_output_tokens: 0.06 scores: Smart: 5 Fast: 2 Cheap: 2 gpt-4-1106-preview: type: chat_completion name: GPT-4 Turbo description: GPT-4 Turbo is a faster and cheaper version of GPT-4. It's as smart as GPT-4, so you should use it instead of GPT-4. price_per_1000_input_tokens: 0.01 price_per_1000_output_tokens: 0.03 scores: smart: 5 fast: 4 cheap: 3 gpt-4-vision-preview: type: chat_completion name: GPT-4 Vision description: Ability to understand images, in addition to all other GPT-4 Turbo capabilties. price_per_1000_input_tokens: 0.01 price_per_1000_output_tokens: 0.03 scores: smart: 5 fast: 4 cheap: 3 gpt-4o: type: chat_completion name: GPT-4o description: GPT-4o is a special variant of GPT-4 designed for optimal performance and accuracy. Suitable for complex and detailed tasks. price_per_1000_input_tokens: 0.03 price_per_1000_output_tokens: 0.06 scores: smart: 5 fast: 2 cheap: 2 text-davinci-003: type: completion name: GPT-3.5 description: GPT-3.5 is a legacy model. Actually there is no reason to use it, because it is more expensive and slower than ChatGPT, but just about as smart. price_per_1000_input_tokens: 0.02 price_per_1000_output_tokens: 0.02 scores: Smart: 3 Fast: 2 Cheap: 3 dalle-2: type: image price_per_1_image: 0.018 # 512x512 whisper: type: audio price_per_1_min: 0.006