#! /bin/bash # version v1.0.0 # executed manually / via Make # task wrapper for various setup scripts CONFIG_PATH= CONTAINER_NAME= CRI= DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH= DESIRED_CONFIG_PATH= DIR=$(pwd) DMS_CONFIG='/tmp/docker-mailserver' IMAGE_NAME= DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME='docker.io/mailserver/docker-mailserver:latest' INFO= PODMAN_ROOTLESS=false USE_SELINUX= USE_TTY= VOLUME= RED=$(echo -ne '\e[31m\e[1m') WHITE=$(echo -ne '\e[37m') ORANGE=$(echo -ne '\e[38;5;214m') LBLUE=$(echo -ne '\e[94m') RESET=$(echo -ne '\e[0m') set -euEo pipefail shopt -s inherit_errexit 2>/dev/null || true trap '__err "${BASH_SOURCE}" "${FUNCNAME[0]:-?}" "${BASH_COMMAND:-?}" "${LINENO:-?}" "${?:-?}"' ERR function __err { [[ ${5} -gt 1 ]] && exit 1 local ERR_MSG="\n--- ${RED}UNCHECKED ERROR${RESET}" ERR_MSG+="\n - script = ${1}" ERR_MSG+="\n - function = ${2}" ERR_MSG+="\n - command = ${3}" ERR_MSG+="\n - line = ${4}" ERR_MSG+="\n - exit code = ${5}" ERR_MSG+='\n\nThis should not have happened. Please file a bug report.\n' echo -e "${ERR_MSG}" } function _show_local_usage { # shellcheck disable=SC2059 printf '%s' "${ORANGE}OPTIONS${RESET} ${LBLUE}Config path, container or image adjustments${RESET} -i IMAGE_NAME Provides the name of the 'docker-mailserver' image. The default value is '${WHITE}${DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME}${RESET}' -c CONTAINER_NAME Provides the name of the running container. -p PATH Provides the local path of the config folder to the temporary container instance. Does not work if an existing a 'docker-mailserver' container is already running. ${LBLUE}SELinux${RESET} -z Allows container access to the bind mount content that is shared among multiple containers on a SELinux-enabled host. -Z Allows container access to the bind mount content that is private and unshared with other containers on a SELinux-enabled host. ${LBLUE}Podman${RESET} -R Accept running in Podman rootless mode. Ignored when using Docker / Docker Compose. " [[ ${1:-} == 'no-exit' ]] && return 0 # shellcheck disable=SC2059 printf '%s' "${ORANGE}EXIT STATUS${RESET} Exit status is 0 if the command was successful. If there was an unexpected error, an error message is shown describing the error. In case of an error, the script will exit with exit status 1. " } function _get_absolute_script_directory { if dirname "$(readlink -f "${0}")" &>/dev/null then DIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${0}")") elif realpath -e -L "${0}" &>/dev/null then DIR=$(realpath -e -L "${0}") DIR="${DIR%/setup.sh}" fi } function _set_default_config_path { if [[ -d "${DIR}/config" ]] then # legacy path (pre v10.2.0) DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH="${DIR}/config" else DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH="${DIR}/docker-data/dms/config" fi } function _handle_config_path { if [[ -z ${DESIRED_CONFIG_PATH} ]] then # no desired config path if [[ -n ${CONTAINER_NAME} ]] then VOLUME=$(${CRI} inspect "${CONTAINER_NAME}" \ --format="{{range .Mounts}}{{ println .Source .Destination}}{{end}}" | \ grep "${DMS_CONFIG}$" 2>/dev/null || :) fi if [[ -n ${VOLUME} ]] then CONFIG_PATH=$(echo "${VOLUME}" | awk '{print $1}') fi if [[ -z ${CONFIG_PATH} ]] then CONFIG_PATH=${DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH} fi else CONFIG_PATH=${DESIRED_CONFIG_PATH} fi } function _run_in_new_container { # start temporary container with specified image if ! ${CRI} history -q "${IMAGE_NAME}" &>/dev/null then echo "Image '${IMAGE_NAME}' not found. Pulling ..." ${CRI} pull "${IMAGE_NAME}" fi ${CRI} run --rm "${USE_TTY}" \ -v "${CONFIG_PATH}:${DMS_CONFIG}${USE_SELINUX}" \ "${IMAGE_NAME}" "${@}" } function _main { _get_absolute_script_directory _set_default_config_path local OPTIND while getopts ":c:i:p:zZR" OPT do case ${OPT} in ( i ) IMAGE_NAME="${OPTARG}" ;; ( z | Z ) USE_SELINUX=":${OPT}" ;; ( c ) CONTAINER_NAME="${OPTARG}" ;; ( R ) PODMAN_ROOTLESS=true ;; ( p ) case "${OPTARG}" in ( /* ) DESIRED_CONFIG_PATH="${OPTARG}" ;; ( * ) DESIRED_CONFIG_PATH="${DIR}/${OPTARG}" ;; esac if [[ ! -d ${DESIRED_CONFIG_PATH} ]] then echo "Specified directory '${DESIRED_CONFIG_PATH}' doesn't exist" >&2 exit 1 fi ;; ( * ) echo "Invalid option: '-${OPTARG}'" >&2 echo -e "Use './setup.sh help' to get a complete overview.\n" >&2 _show_local_usage 'no-exit' exit 1 ;; esac done shift $(( OPTIND - 1 )) if command -v docker &>/dev/null then CRI=docker elif command -v podman &>/dev/null then CRI=podman if ! ${PODMAN_ROOTLESS} && [[ ${EUID} -ne 0 ]] then read -r -p "You are running Podman in rootless mode. Continue? [Y/n] " [[ -n ${REPLY} ]] && [[ ${REPLY} =~ (n|N) ]] && exit 0 fi else echo 'No supported Container Runtime Interface detected.' exit 1 fi INFO=$(${CRI} ps --no-trunc --format "{{.Image}};{{.Names}}" --filter \ label=org.opencontainers.image.title="docker-mailserver" | tail -1) CONTAINER_NAME=${INFO#*;} [[ -z ${IMAGE_NAME} ]] && IMAGE_NAME=${INFO%;*} if [[ -z ${IMAGE_NAME} ]] then IMAGE_NAME=${NAME:-${DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME}} fi if test -t 0 then USE_TTY="-it" else # GitHub Actions will fail (or really anything else # lacking an interactive tty) if we don't set a # value here; "-t" alone works for these cases. USE_TTY="-t" fi _handle_config_path if [[ -n ${CONTAINER_NAME} ]] then ${CRI} exec "${USE_TTY}" "${CONTAINER_NAME}" setup "${@}" else _run_in_new_container setup "${@}" fi [[ ${1:-} == 'help' ]] && _show_local_usage return 0 } [[ -z ${1:-} ]] && set 'help' _main "${@}"