#!/bin/sh # shellcheck disable=1003,1091,2006,2016,2034,2039,3043 # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 fdm=marker fmr=#(,#) et: # Author: Diego Blanco # GitHub: https://github.com/diego-treitos/linux-smart-enumeration # lse_version="4.14nw" ##( Colors # #( fg red='\e[31m' lred='\e[91m' green='\e[32m' lgreen='\e[92m' yellow='\e[33m' lyellow='\e[93m' blue='\e[34m' lblue='\e[94m' magenta='\e[35m' lmagenta='\e[95m' cyan='\e[36m' lcyan='\e[96m' grey='\e[90m' lgrey='\e[37m' white='\e[97m' black='\e[30m' ##) #( bg b_red='\e[41m' b_lred='\e[101m' b_green='\e[42m' b_lgreen='\e[102m' b_yellow='\e[43m' b_lyellow='\e[103m' b_blue='\e[44m' b_lblue='\e[104m' b_magenta='\e[45m' b_lmagenta='\e[105m' b_cyan='\e[46m' b_lcyan='\e[106m' b_grey='\e[100m' b_lgrey='\e[47m' b_white='\e[107m' b_black='\e[40m' ##) #( special reset='\e[0;0m' bold='\e[01m' italic='\e[03m' underline='\e[04m' inverse='\e[07m' conceil='\e[08m' crossedout='\e[09m' bold_off='\e[22m' italic_off='\e[23m' underline_off='\e[24m' inverse_off='\e[27m' conceil_off='\e[28m' crossedout_off='\e[29m' ##) #) ##( Globals # # user lse_user_id="`id -u`" lse_user="$USER" [ -z "$lse_user" ] && lse_user="`id -nu`" lse_pass="" lse_home="$HOME" [ -z "$lse_home" ] && lse_home="`(grep -E "^$lse_user:" /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f6)2>/dev/null`" # system lse_arch="`uname -m`" lse_linux="`uname -r`" lse_hostname="`hostname`" lse_distro=`command -v lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1 && lsb_release -d | sed 's/Description:\s*//' 2>/dev/null` [ -z "$lse_distro" ] && lse_distro="`(. /etc/os-release && echo "$PRETTY_NAME")2>/dev/null`" lse_distro_codename="" # retrieved below with lse_get_distro_codename # lse lse_passed_tests="" lse_executed_tests="" lse_DEBUG=false lse_procmon_data=`mktemp` lse_procmon_lock=`mktemp` lse_cve_tmp='' # printf printf "$reset" | grep -q '\\' && alias printf="env printf" #( internal data lse_common_setuid=" /bin/fusermount /bin/mount /bin/ntfs-3g /bin/ping /bin/ping6 /bin/su /bin/umount /lib64/dbus-1/dbus-daemon-launch-helper /sbin/mount.ecryptfs_private /sbin/mount.nfs /sbin/pam_timestamp_check /sbin/pccardctl /sbin/unix2_chkpwd /sbin/unix_chkpwd /usr/bin/Xorg /usr/bin/arping /usr/bin/at /usr/bin/beep /usr/bin/chage /usr/bin/chfn /usr/bin/chsh /usr/bin/crontab /usr/bin/expiry /usr/bin/firejail /usr/bin/fusermount /usr/bin/fusermount-glusterfs /usr/bin/fusermount3 /usr/bin/gpasswd /usr/bin/kismet_capture /usr/bin/mount /usr/bin/mtr /usr/bin/newgidmap /usr/bin/newgrp /usr/bin/newuidmap /usr/bin/ntfs-3g /usr/bin/passwd /usr/bin/pkexec /usr/bin/pmount /usr/bin/procmail /usr/bin/pumount /usr/bin/staprun /usr/bin/su /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/sudoedit /usr/bin/traceroute6.iputils /usr/bin/umount /usr/bin/weston-launch /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chrome-sandbox /usr/lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper /usr/lib/dbus-1/dbus-daemon-launch-helper /usr/lib/eject/dmcrypt-get-device /usr/lib/openssh/ssh-keysign /usr/lib/policykit-1/polkit-agent-helper-1 /usr/lib/polkit-1/polkit-agent-helper-1 /usr/lib/pt_chown /usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine /usr/lib/spice-gtk/spice-client-glib-usb-acl-helper /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/lxc-user-nic /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg.wrap /usr/libexec/Xorg.wrap /usr/libexec/abrt-action-install-debuginfo-to-abrt-cache /usr/libexec/cockpit-session /usr/libexec/dbus-1/dbus-daemon-launch-helper /usr/libexec/gstreamer-1.0/gst-ptp-helper /usr/libexec/openssh/ssh-keysign /usr/libexec/polkit-1/polkit-agent-helper-1 /usr/libexec/polkit-agent-helper-1 /usr/libexec/pt_chown /usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper /usr/libexec/spice-client-glib-usb-acl-helper /usr/libexec/spice-gtk-x86_64/spice-client-glib-usb-acl-helper /usr/local/share/panasonic/printer/bin/L_H0JDUCZAZ /usr/sbin/exim4 /usr/sbin/grub2-set-bootflag /usr/sbin/mount.nfs /usr/sbin/mtr-packet /usr/sbin/pam_timestamp_check /usr/sbin/pppd /usr/sbin/pppoe-wrapper /usr/sbin/suexec /usr/sbin/unix_chkpwd /usr/sbin/userhelper /usr/sbin/usernetctl /usr/sbin/uuidd " #) #( regex rules for common setuid lse_common_setuid="$lse_common_setuid /snap/core.* /var/tmp/mkinitramfs.* " #) #( critical writable files lse_critical_writable=" /etc/apache2/apache2.conf /etc/apache2/httpd.conf /etc/bash.bashrc /etc/bash_completion /etc/bash_completion.d/* /etc/environment /etc/environment.d/* /etc/hosts.allow /etc/hosts.deny /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/httpd/httpd.conf /etc/incron.conf /etc/incron.d/* /etc/logrotate.d/* /etc/modprobe.d/* /etc/pam.d/* /etc/passwd /etc/php*/fpm/pool.d/* /etc/php/*/fpm/pool.d/* /etc/profile /etc/profile.d/* /etc/rc*.d/* /etc/rsyslog.d/* /etc/shadow /etc/skel/* /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers.d/* /etc/supervisor/conf.d/* /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.d/* /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/* /root/.ssh/authorized_keys " #critical writable directories lse_critical_writable_dirs=" /etc/bash_completion.d /etc/cron.d /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.hourly /etc/cron.weekly /etc/environment.d /etc/logrotate.d /etc/modprobe.d /etc/pam.d /etc/profile.d /etc/rsyslog.d/ /etc/sudoers.d/ /etc/sysctl.d /root " #) #( CVE list (populated by the lse packager) lse_cve_list=" " #CVElistMARKER #) #) ##( Options lse_color=true lse_alt_color=false lse_interactive=true lse_proc_time=60 lse_level=0 #Valid levels 0:default, 1:interesting, 2:all lse_selection="" #Selected tests to run. Empty means all. lse_find_opts='-path /proc -prune -o -path /sys -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o' #paths to exclude from searches lse_grep_opts='--color=always' #) ##( Lib cecho() { #( if $lse_color; then printf "%b" "$@" else # If color is disabled we remove it printf "%b" "$@" | sed -r 's/(\x1B|\\e)\[[0-9;:]+[A-Za-z]//g' fi } #) lse_recolor() { #( o_white="$white" o_lyellow="$lyellow" o_grey="$grey" o_lred="$lred" o_lgreen="$lgreen" o_lcyan="$lcyan" white="$o_grey" lyellow="$o_lred" grey="$lgrey" lred="$red" lgreen="$b_lgreen$black" lcyan="$cyan" } #) lse_error() { #( cecho "${red}ERROR: ${reset}$*\n" >&2 } #) lse_exclude_paths() { #( local IFS=" " for p in `printf "%s" "$1" | tr ',' '\n'`; do [ "`printf \"%s\" \"$p\" | cut -c1`" = "/" ] || lse_error "'$p' is not an absolute path." p="${p%%/}" lse_find_opts="$lse_find_opts -path ${p} -prune -o" done } #) lse_set_level() { #( case "$1" in 0|1|2) lse_level=$(($1)) ;; *) lse_error "Invalid level." exit 1 ;; esac } #) lse_help() { #( echo "Use: $0 [options]" echo echo " OPTIONS" echo " -c Disable color" echo " -C Use alternative color scheme" echo " -i Non interactive mode" echo " -h This help" echo " -l LEVEL Output verbosity level" echo " 0: Show highly important results. (default)" echo " 1: Show interesting results." echo " 2: Show all gathered information." echo " -s SELECTION Comma separated list of sections or tests to run. Available" echo " sections:" echo " usr: User related tests." echo " sud: Sudo related tests." echo " fst: File system related tests." echo " sys: System related tests." echo " sec: Security measures related tests." echo " ret: Recurrent tasks (cron, timers) related tests." echo " net: Network related tests." echo " srv: Services related tests." echo " pro: Processes related tests." echo " sof: Software related tests." echo " ctn: Container (docker, lxc) related tests." echo " cve: CVE related tests." echo " Specific tests can be used with their IDs (i.e.: usr020,sud)" echo " -e PATHS Comma separated list of paths to exclude. This allows you" echo " to do faster scans at the cost of completeness" echo " -p SECONDS Time that the process monitor will spend watching for" echo " processes. A value of 0 will disable any watch (default: 60)" echo " -S Serve the lse.sh script in this host so it can be retrieved" echo " from a remote host." } #) lse_ask() { #( local question="$1" # We use stderr to print the question cecho "${white}${question}: ${reset}" >&2 read -r answer case "$answer" in y|Y|yes|Yes|ok|Ok|true|True) return 0 ;; *) echo "$answer" return 1 ;; esac } #) lse_request_information() { #( if $lse_interactive; then cecho "${grey}---\n" [ -z "$lse_user" ] && lse_user=`lse_ask "Could not find current user name. Current user?"` lse_pass=`lse_ask "If you know the current user password, write it here to check sudo privileges"` cecho "${grey}---\n" fi } #) lse_test_passed() { #( # Checks if a test passed by ID local id="$1" for i in $lse_passed_tests; do [ "$i" = "$id" ] && return 0 done return 1 } #) lse_test() { #( # Test id local id="$1" # Minimum level required for this test to show its output local level=$(($2)) # Name of the current test local name="$3" # Output of the test local cmd="$4" # Dependencies local deps="$5" # Variable name where to store the output local var="$6" # Flags affecting the execution of certain tests local flags="$7" # Define colors local l="${lred}!" local r="${lgreen}" [ $level -eq 1 ] && l="${lyellow}*" && r="${cyan}" [ $level -eq 2 ] && l="${lblue}i" && r="${blue}" # Filter selected tests if [ "$lse_selection" ]; then local sel_match=false for s in $lse_selection; do if [ "$s" = "$id" ] || [ "$s" = "`printf \"%s\" \"$id\" | cut -c1-3`" ]; then sel_match=true fi done $sel_match || return 0 fi # DEBUG messages $lse_DEBUG && cecho "${lmagenta}DEBUG: ${lgreen}Executing: ${reset}$cmd\n" # Print name and line cecho "${white}[${l}${white}] ${grey}${id}${white} $name${grey}" for i in $(seq $((${#id}+${#name}+10)) 79); do printf "." done # Check if test should be skipped when running as root if [ "$lse_user_id" -eq 0 ] && [ "$flags" = "rootskip" ]; then cecho " ${grey}skip\n" return 1 fi # Check dependencies local non_met_deps="" for d in $deps; do lse_test_passed "$d" || non_met_deps="$non_met_deps $d" done if [ "$non_met_deps" ]; then cecho " ${grey}skip\n" # In "selection mode" we print the missed dependencies if [ "$lse_selection" ]; then cecho "${red}---\n" cecho "Dependencies not met:$reset $non_met_deps\n" cecho "${red}---$reset\n" fi return 1 fi # If level is 2 and lse_level is less than 2, then we do not execute # level 2 tests unless their output needs to be assigned to a variable if [ $level -ge 2 ] && [ $lse_level -lt 2 ] && [ -z "$var" ]; then cecho " ${grey}skip\n" return 1 else if $lse_DEBUG; then output="`eval "$cmd" 2>&1`" else # Execute command if this test's level is in scope output="`eval "$cmd" 2>/dev/null`" # Assign variable if available fi [ "$var" ] && [ "$output" ] && readonly "${var}=$output" # Mark test as executed lse_executed_tests="$lse_executed_tests $id" fi if [ -z "$output" ]; then cecho " ${grey}nope${reset}\n" return 1 else lse_passed_tests="$lse_passed_tests $id" cecho "${r} yes!${reset}\n" if [ $lse_level -ge $level ]; then cecho "${grey}---$reset\n" echo "$output" cecho "${grey}---$reset\n" fi return 0 fi } #) lse_show_info() { #( echo cecho "${lcyan} LSE Version:${reset} $lse_version\n" echo cecho "${lblue} User:${reset} $lse_user\n" cecho "${lblue} User ID:${reset} $lse_user_id\n" cecho "${lblue} Password:${reset} " if [ -z "$lse_pass" ]; then cecho "${grey}none${reset}\n" else cecho "******\n" fi cecho "${lblue} Home:${reset} $lse_home\n" cecho "${lblue} Path:${reset} $PATH\n" cecho "${lblue} umask:${reset} `umask 2>/dev/null`\n" echo cecho "${lblue} Hostname:${reset} $lse_hostname\n" cecho "${lblue} Linux:${reset} $lse_linux\n" if [ "$lse_distro" ]; then cecho "${lblue}Distribution:${reset} $lse_distro\n" fi cecho "${lblue}Architecture:${reset} $lse_arch\n" echo cecho "${green}=====================(${yellow} Current Output Verbosity Level: ${cyan}$lse_level ${green})======================${reset}" echo if [ "$lse_user_id" -eq 0 ]; then cecho "${green}============(${yellow} Already running as ${red}root${yellow}, some tests will be skipped! ${green})============${reset}" echo fi } #) lse_serve() { #( # get port which nc >/dev/null || lse_error "Could not find 'nc' netcat binary." local_ips="`ip a | grep -Eo "inet ([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}" | cut -d' ' -f2`" # Get a valid and non used port port=`od -An -N2 -i /dev/random|grep -Eo '[0-9]+'` port_valid=true while true; do for ip in $local_ips; do nc -z "$ip" "$port" && port_valid=false done if [ $((port)) -lt 1024 ] || [ $((port)) -gt 65500 ]; then port_valid=false fi $port_valid && break port=`od -An -N2 -i /dev/random|grep -Eo '[0-9]+'` done echo cecho " Serving ${white}Linux Smart Enumeration${reset} on port ${blue}$port${reset}.\n" echo cecho " Depending on your IP and available tools, some of these commands should download it in a remote host:\n" for ip in $local_ips; do [ "$ip" = "" ] && continue echo cecho "${reset} [${blue}$ip${reset}]\n" cecho "${green} * ${white}nc ${reset} $ip $port > lse.sh /dev/tcp/${reset}$ip/$port;printf '\\\\n'>&3;cat<&3>lse.sh;exec 3<&-;chmod 755 lse.sh\n" done # try nc with '-N' (openbsd), then ncat and then use '-q0' (traditional) nc -l -N -p "$port" < "$0" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || nc -l --send-only -p "$port" < "$0" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || nc -l -q0 -p "$port" < "$0" >/dev/null } #) lse_header() { #( local id="$1" shift local title="$*" local text="${magenta}" # Filter selected tests if [ "$lse_selection" ]; then local sel_match=false for s in $lse_selection; do if [ "`printf \"%s\" \"$s\"|cut -c1-3`" = "$id" ]; then sel_match=true break fi done $sel_match || return 0 fi for i in $(seq ${#title} 70); do text="$text=" done text="$text(${green} $title ${magenta})=====" cecho "$text${reset}\n" } #) lse_exit() { #( local ec=1 local text="\n${magenta}==================================" [ "$1" ] && ec=$1 text="$text(${green} FINISHED ${magenta})==================================" cecho "$text${reset}\n" rm -f "$lse_procmon_data" rm -f "$lse_procmon_lock" rm -f "$lse_cve_tmp" exit "$ec" } #) lse_procmon() { #( # monitor processes #NOTE: The first number will be the number of occurrences of a process due to # uniq -c local ps_args local ps_busybox if ps -V 2>&1 | grep -iq busybox; then ps_args='-o pid,user,args' ps_busybox=true else ps_args="-ewwwo start_time,pid,user:50,args" ps_busybox=false fi while [ -f "$lse_procmon_lock" ]; do if $ps_busybox; then ps $ps_args | sed 's/^\([0-9]*\)/? \1 /g' else ps $ps_args fi sleep 0.001 done | grep -Ev "(pid,user|$lse_user *sed s/)" | sed 's/^ *//g' | tr -s '[:space:]' | grep -Ev "PID *USER *COMMAND" | grep -Ev '[^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+ \[' | sort -Mr | uniq -c | sed 's/^ *//g' > "$lse_procmon_data" } #) lse_proc_print() { #( # Pretty prints output from lse_procmom received via stdin if $lse_color; then printf "${green}%s %8s %8s %s\n" "START" "PID" "USER" "COMMAND" else printf "%s %8s %8s %s\n" "START" "PID" "USER" "COMMAND" fi while read -r l; do p_num=`echo "$l" | cut -d" " -f1` p_time=`echo "$l" | cut -d" " -f2` p_pid=`echo "$l" | cut -d" " -f3` p_user=`echo "$l" | cut -d" " -f4` p_args=`echo "$l" | cut -d" " -f5-` if $lse_color; then if [ $((p_num)) -lt 20 ]; then # few times probably periodic printf "${red}%s ${reset}%8s ${yellow}%8s ${red}%s\n" "$p_time" "$p_pid" "$p_user" "$p_args" else printf "${magenta}%s ${reset}%8s ${yellow}%8s ${reset}%s\n" "$p_time" "$p_pid" "$p_user" "$p_args" fi else printf "%s %8s %8s %s\n" "$p_time" "$p_pid" "$p_user" "$p_args" fi done } #) lse_get_distro_codename() { #( # Get the distribution name # # ubuntu, debian, centos, redhat, opsuse, fedora, rocky local distro="${grey}unknown${reset}" if type lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1; then distro=`lsb_release -is` elif [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then distro=`grep -E '^ID=' /etc/os-release | cut -f2 -d=` echo "$distro" | grep -qi opensuse && distro=opsuse echo "$distro" | grep -qi rhel && distro=redhat elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then grep -qi "centos" /etc/redhat-release && distro=centos grep -qi "fedora" /etc/redhat-release && distro=fedora grep -qi "red hat" /etc/redhat-release && distro=redhat grep -qi "rocky" /etc/redhat-release && distro=rocky fi printf '%s' "$distro" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr -d \"\' } #) lse_is_version_bigger() { #( # check if version v1 is bigger than v2 local v1="$1"; local v2="$2" ; local vc [ "$v1" = "$v2" ] && return 1 # equal is not bigger vc="`printf "%s\n%s\n" "$v1" "$v2" | sort -rV | head -n1`" [ "$v1" = "$vc" ] && return 0 return 1 } #) lse_get_pkg_version() { #( # get package version depending on distro # returns 2 if distro is unknown # returns 1 if package is not installed (or doesn't exist) # returns 0 on success, and prints out the package version pkg_name="$1" case "$lse_distro_codename" in debian|ubuntu) pkg_version=`dpkg -l "$pkg_name" 2>/dev/null | grep -E '^[ih]i' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f3` ;; centos|redhat|fedora|opsuse|rocky|amzn) pkg_version=`rpm -q "$pkg_name" 2>/dev/null` pkg_version="${pkg_version##"$pkg_name"-}" pkg_version=`echo "$pkg_version" | sed -E 's/\.(aarch64|armv7hl|i686|noarch|ppc64le|s390x|x86_64)$//'` ;; *) return 2 ;; esac [ -z "$pkg_version" ] && return 1 printf "%s" "$pkg_version" return 0 } #) #) #) ########################################################################( TESTS # # A successful test will receive some output while a failed tests will receive # an empty string. # ########################################################################( users lse_run_tests_users() { lse_header "usr" "users" #user groups lse_test "usr000" "2" \ "Current user groups" \ 'groups' \ "" \ "lse_user_groups" #user in an administrative group lse_test "usr010" "1" \ "Is current user in an administrative group?" \ 'grep $lse_grep_opts -E "^(adm|admin|root|sudo|wheel)" /etc/group | grep $lse_grep_opts -E "(:|,)$lse_user"' #other users in an administrative group lse_test "usr020" "1" \ "Are there other users in administrative groups?" \ 'grep $lse_grep_opts -E "^(adm|admin|root|sudo|wheel)" /etc/group | grep -Ev ":$|:$lse_user$" | grep $lse_grep_opts -Ei ":[,a-z_-]+\$"' #other users with shell lse_test "usr030" "1" \ "Other users with shell" \ 'grep $lse_grep_opts -E ":/[a-z/]+sh\$" /etc/passwd' \ "" \ "lse_shell_users" #user env information lse_test "usr040" "2" \ "Environment information" \ 'env | grep -v "LS_COLORS"' #dump user groups lse_test "usr050" "2" \ "Groups for other users" \ 'cat /etc/group' #dump users lse_test "usr060" "2" \ "Other users" \ 'cat /etc/passwd' #find defined PATHs lse_test "usr070" "1" \ "PATH variables defined inside /etc" \ 'for p in `grep -ERh "^ *PATH=.*" /etc/ 2> /dev/null | tr -d \"\'"'"' | cut -d= -f2 | tr ":" "\n" | sort -u`; do [ -d "$p" ] && echo "$p";done' \ "" \ "lse_exec_paths" #check if . is in PATHs lse_test "usr080" "0" \ "Is '.' in a PATH variable defined inside /etc?" \ 'for ep in $lse_exec_paths; do [ "$ep" = "." ] && grep -ER "^ *PATH=.*" /etc/ 2> /dev/null | tr -d \"\'"'"' | grep -E "[=:]\.([:[:space:]]|\$)";done' \ "usr070" } #) #########################################################################( sudo lse_run_tests_sudo() { lse_header "sud" "sudo" #variables for sudo checks lse_sudo=false lse_sudo_commands="" #can we sudo without supplying a password lse_test "sud000" "0" \ "Can we sudo without a password?" \ 'echo "" | sudo -nS id' && lse_sudo=true #can we list sudo commands without supplying a password $lse_sudo || \ lse_test "sud010" "0" \ "Can we list sudo commands without a password?" \ 'echo "" | sudo -nS -l' \ "" \ "lse_sudo_commands" if [ "$lse_pass" ]; then #can we sudo supplying a password $lse_sudo || \ lse_test "sud020" "0" \ "Can we sudo with a password?" \ 'echo "$lse_pass" | sudo -S id' && lse_sudo=true #can we list sudo commands without supplying a password if ! $lse_sudo && [ -z "$lse_sudo_commands" ]; then lse_test "sud030" "0" \ "Can we list sudo commands with a password?" \ 'echo "$lse_pass" | sudo -S -l' \ "" \ "lse_sudo_commands" fi fi #check if we can read the sudoers file lse_test "sud040" "1" \ "Can we read sudoers files?" \ 'grep -R "" /etc/sudoers*' #check users that sudoed in the past lse_test "sud050" "1" \ "Do we know if any other users used sudo?" \ 'for uh in $(cut -d: -f1,6 /etc/passwd); do [ -f "${uh##*:}/.sudo_as_admin_successful" ] && echo "${uh%%:*}"; done' } #) ##################################################################( file system lse_run_tests_filesystem() { lse_header "fst" "file system" #writable files outside user's home. NOTE: Does not check if user can write in symlink destination (performance reasons: -L implies -noleaf) lse_test "fst000" "1" \ "Writable files outside user's home" \ 'find / -path "$lse_home" -prune -o $lse_find_opts -not -type l -writable -print; # Add symlinks owned by the user (so the user can change where they point) find / -path "$lse_home" -prune -o $lse_find_opts -type l -user $lse_user -print' \ "" \ "lse_user_writable" \ "rootskip" #get setuid binaries lse_test "fst010" "1" \ "Binaries with setuid bit" \ 'find / $lse_find_opts -perm -4000 -type f -print' \ "" \ "lse_setuid_binaries" #uncommon setuid binaries lse_test "fst020" "0" \ "Uncommon setuid binaries" \ 'local setuidbin="$lse_setuid_binaries"; local IFS=" "; for cs in ${lse_common_setuid}; do setuidbin=`printf "$setuidbin\n" | grep -Ev "^$cs$"`;done ; printf "$setuidbin\n"' \ "fst010" #can we write to any setuid binary lse_test "fst030" "0" \ "Can we write to any setuid binary?" \ 'for b in $lse_setuid_binaries; do [ -x "$b" ] && [ -w "$b" ] && echo "$b" ;done' \ "fst010" #get setgid binaries lse_test "fst040" "1" \ "Binaries with setgid bit" \ 'find / $lse_find_opts -perm -2000 -type f -print' \ "lse_setgid_binaries" #uncommon setgid binaries lse_test "fst050" "0" \ "Uncommon setgid binaries" \ 'printf "$lse_setgid_binaries\n" | grep -Ev "^/(bin|sbin|usr/bin|usr/lib|usr/sbin)"' \ "fst040" #can we write to any setgid binary lse_test "fst060" "0" \ "Can we write to any setgid binary?" \ 'for b in $lse_setgid_binaries; do [ -x "$b" ] && [ -w "$b" ] && echo "$b" ;done' \ "fst040" #can we read /root lse_test "fst070" "1" \ "Can we read /root?" \ 'ls -ahl /root/' #check /home permissions lse_test "fst080" "1" \ "Can we read subdirectories under /home?" \ 'for h in /home/*; do [ -d "$h" ] && [ "$h" != "$lse_home" ] && ls -la "$h/"; done' #check for SSH files in home directories lse_test "fst090" "1" \ "SSH files in home directories" \ 'for h in $(cut -d: -f6 /etc/passwd | sort -u | grep -Ev "^(/|/dev|/bin|/proc|/run/.*|/var/run/.*)$"); do find "$h" \( -name "*id_dsa*" -o -name "*id_rsa*" -o -name "*id_ecdsa*" -o -name "*id_ed25519*" -o -name "known_hosts" -o -name "authorized_hosts" -o -name "authorized_keys" \) -exec ls -la {} \; ; done' #check useful binaries lse_test "fst100" "1" \ "Useful binaries" \ 'which curl; which dig; which gcc; which nc.openbsd; which nc; which netcat; which nmap; which socat; which wget' #check for interesting files in home directories lse_test "fst110" "1" \ "Other interesting files in home directories" \ 'for h in $(cut -d: -f6 /etc/passwd); do find "$h" \( -name "*.rhosts" -o -name ".git-credentials" -o -name ".*history" \) -maxdepth 1 -exec ls -la {} \; ;' #looking for credentials in /etc/fstab and /etc/mtab lse_test "fst120" "0" \ "Are there any credentials in fstab/mtab?" \ 'grep $lse_grep_opts -Ei "(user|username|login|pass|password|pw|credentials|cred)[=:]" /etc/fstab /etc/mtab' #check if current user has mail lse_test "fst130" "1" \ "Does '$lse_user' have mail?" \ 'ls -l "/var/mail/$lse_user"' #check if we can access other users mail mail lse_test "fst140" "0" \ "Can we access other users mail?" \ 'for f in /var/mail/*; do [ "$f" != "/var/mail/$lse_user" ] && [ -r "$f" ] && echo "$f"; done' #check for code repositories lse_test "fst150" "1" \ "Looking for GIT/SVN repositories" \ 'find / $lse_find_opts \( -name ".git" -o -name ".svn" \) -print' #can we write to files that can give us root lse_test "fst160" "0" \ "Can we write to critical files?" \ 'for uw in $lse_user_writable; do [ -f "$uw" ] && IFS=" "; for cw in ${lse_critical_writable}; do [ "$cw" = "$uw" ] && [ -w "$cw" ] && ls -l $cw; done ; done' \ "fst000" #can we write to directories that can give us root lse_test "fst170" "0" \ "Can we write to critical directories?" \ 'for uw in $lse_user_writable; do [ -d "$uw" ] && IFS=" "; for cw in ${lse_critical_writable_dirs}; do [ "$cw" = "$uw" ] && [ -w "$cw" ] && ls -ld $cw; done ; done' \ "fst000" #can we write to directories inside PATHS lse_test "fst180" "0" \ "Can we write to directories from PATH defined in /etc?" \ 'for ep in $lse_exec_paths; do [ -d "$ep" ] && [ -w "$ep" ] && ls -ld "$ep"; done' \ "usr070" #can we read backups lse_test "fst190" "0" \ "Can we read any backup?" \ 'find / $lse_find_opts -path /usr/lib -prune -o -path /usr/share -prune -o -regextype egrep -iregex ".*(backup|dump|cop(y|ies)|bak|bkp)[^/]*\.(sql|tgz|tar|zip)?\.?(gz|xz|bzip2|bz2|lz|7z)?" -readable -type f -exec ls -al {} \;' #are there possible credentials in any shell history files lse_test "fst200" "0" \ "Are there possible credentials in any shell history file?" \ 'for h in .bash_history .history .histfile .zhistory; do [ -f "$lse_home/$h" ] && grep $lse_grep_opts -Ei "(user|username|login|pass|password|pw|credentials)[=: ][a-z0-9]+" "$lse_home/$h" | grep -v "systemctl"; done' #nfs exports with no_root_squash lse_test "fst210" "0" \ "Are there NFS exports with 'no_root_squash' option?" \ 'grep $lse_grep_opts "no_root_squash" /etc/exports' #nfs exports with no_all_squash lse_test "fst220" "1" \ "Are there NFS exports with 'no_all_squash' option?" \ 'grep $lse_grep_opts "no_all_squash" /etc/exports' #files owned by user lse_test "fst500" "2" \ "Files owned by user '$lse_user'" \ 'find / $lse_find_opts -user $lse_user -type f -exec ls -al {} \;' \ "" "" "rootskip" #check for SSH files anywhere lse_test "fst510" "2" \ "SSH files anywhere" \ 'find / $lse_find_opts \( -name "*id_dsa*" -o -name "*id_rsa*" -o -name "*id_ecdsa*" -o -name "*id_ed25519*" -o -name "known_hosts" -o -name "authorized_hosts" -o -name "authorized_keys" \) -exec ls -la {} \;' #dump hosts.equiv file lse_test "fst520" "2" \ "Check hosts.equiv file and its contents" \ 'find /etc -iname hosts.equiv -exec ls -la {} 2>/dev/null \; -exec cat {} \;' #list nfs shares lse_test "fst530" "2" \ "List NFS server shares" \ 'ls -la /etc/exports 2>/dev/null && cat /etc/exports' #dump fstab lse_test "fst540" "2" \ "Dump fstab file" \ 'cat /etc/fstab' } #) #######################################################################( system lse_run_tests_system() { lse_header "sys" "system" #who is logged in lse_test "sys000" "2" \ "Who is logged in" \ 'w' #last logged in users lse_test "sys010" "2" \ "Last logged in users" \ 'last' #check if /etc/passwd has the hashes (old system) lse_test "sys020" "0" \ "Does the /etc/passwd have hashes?" \ 'grep -v "^[^:]*:[x]" /etc/passwd' #check if /etc/group has group password hashes (old system) lse_test "sys022" "0" \ "Does the /etc/group have hashes?" \ 'grep -v "^[^:]*:[x]" /etc/group' #check if we can read any shadow file lse_test "sys030" "0" \ "Can we read shadow files?" \ 'for sf in "shadow" "shadow-" "shadow~" "gshadow" "gshadow-" "master.passwd"; do [ -r "/etc/$sf" ] && printf "%s\n---\n" "/etc/$sf" && cat "/etc/$sf" && printf "\n\n";done' #check for superuser accounts lse_test "sys040" "1" \ "Check for other superuser accounts" \ 'for u in $(cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd); do [ $(id -u $u) = 0 ] && echo $u; done | grep -v root' #can root log in via SSH lse_test "sys050" "1" \ "Can root user log in via SSH?" \ 'grep -E "^[[:space:]]*PermitRootLogin " /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep -E "(yes|without-password|prohibit-password)"' #list available shells lse_test "sys060" "2" \ "List available shells" \ 'cat /etc/shells' #system umask lse_test "sys070" "2" \ "System umask in /etc/login.defs" \ 'grep "^UMASK" /etc/login.defs' #system password policies lse_test "sys080" "2" \ "System password policies in /etc/login.defs" \ 'grep "^PASS_MAX_DAYS\|^PASS_MIN_DAYS\|^PASS_WARN_AGE\|^ENCRYPT_METHOD" /etc/login.defs' } #) #####################################################################( security lse_run_tests_security() { lse_header "sec" "security" #check if selinux is present lse_test "sec000" "1" \ "Is SELinux present?" \ 'sestatus' #get all binaries with capabilities lse_test "sec010" "1" \ "List files with capabilities" \ 'getcap -r /' \ "" \ "lse_cap_bin" #check if we can write an a binary with capabilities lse_test "sec020" "0" \ "Can we write to a binary with caps?" \ 'for b in $(printf "$lse_cap_bin\n" | cut -d" " -f1); do [ -w "$b" ] && echo "$b"; done' #check if we have all capabilities in any binary lse_test "sec030" "0" \ "Do we have all caps in any binary?" \ 'printf "$lse_cap_bin\n" | grep -v "cap_"' #search /etc/security/capability.conf for users associated capapilies lse_test "sec040" "1" \ "Users with associated capabilities" \ 'grep -v "^#\|none\|^$" /etc/security/capability.conf' \ "" \ "lse_user_caps" #does user have capabilities lse_test "sec050" "0" \ "Does current user have capabilities?" \ 'printf "$lse_user_caps\n" | grep "$lse_user"' \ "sec040" #can user read the auditd log lse_test "sec060" "0" \ "Can we read the auditd log?" \ 'al=/var/log/audit/audit.log; test -r "$al" && echo "tail $al:" && echo && tail "$al"' } #) ##############################################################( recurrent tasks lse_run_tests_recurrent_tasks() { lse_header "ret" "recurrent tasks" ## CRON #user crontab lse_test "ret000" "1" \ "User crontab" \ 'crontab -l | grep -Ev "^#"' #cron tasks writable by user lse_test "ret010" "0" \ "Cron tasks writable by user" \ 'find -L /etc/cron* /etc/anacron /var/spool/cron -writable' #list cron jobs lse_test "ret020" "1" \ "Cron jobs" \ 'grep -ERv "^(#|$)" /etc/crontab /etc/cron.d/ /etc/anacrontab' #can we read other user crontabs? lse_test "ret030" "1" \ "Can we read user crontabs" \ 'ls -la /var/spool/cron/crontabs/*' #can we list other user cron tasks? (you need privileges for this, so if you can something is fishy) lse_test "ret040" "1" \ "Can we list other user cron tasks?" \ 'for u in $(cut -d: -f 1 /etc/passwd); do [ "$u" != "$lse_user" ] && crontab -l -u "$u"; done' #can we write to any paths present in cron tasks? lse_test "ret050" "1" \ "Can we write to any paths present in cron jobs" \ 'for p in `grep --color=never -hERoi "/[a-z0-9_/\.\-]+" /etc/cron* | grep -Ev "/dev/(null|zero|random|urandom)" | sort -u`; do [ -w "$p" ] && echo "$p"; done' \ "" \ "lse_user_writable_cron_paths" #can we write to executable paths present in cron tasks? lse_test "ret060" "0" \ "Can we write to executable paths present in cron jobs" \ 'for uwcp in $lse_user_writable_cron_paths; do [ -w "$uwcp" ] && [ -x "$uwcp" ] && grep $lse_grep_opts -R "$uwcp" /etc/crontab /etc/cron.d/ /etc/anacrontab ; done' \ "ret050" #list cron files lse_test "ret400" "2" \ "Cron files" \ 'ls -la /etc/cron*' ## Systemd Timers #user timers lse_test "ret500" "1" \ "User systemd timers" \ 'systemctl --user list-timers --all | grep -iq "\.timer" && systemctl --user list-timers --all' #can we write in any system timer? lse_test "ret510" "0" \ "Can we write in any system timer?" \ 'printf "$lse_user_writable\n" | grep -E "\.timer$"' \ "fst000" #system timers lse_test "ret900" "2" \ "Systemd timers" \ 'systemctl list-timers --all' } #) ######################################################################( network lse_run_tests_network() { lse_header "net" "network" #services listening only on localhost lse_test "net000" "1" \ "Services listening only on localhost" \ '(ss -tunlp || netstat -tunlp)2>/dev/null | grep ""' #can we execute tcpdump lse_test "net010" "0" \ "Can we sniff traffic with tcpdump?" \ '(tcpdump -i lo -n 2>&1 & pid=$!;sleep 0.2;kill $pid)2>/dev/null | grep -i "listening on lo"' #nic information lse_test "net500" "2" \ "NIC and IP information" \ 'ifconfig -a || ip a' #routing table lse_test "net510" "2" \ "Routing table" \ 'route -n || ip r' #arp table lse_test "net520" "2" \ "ARP table" \ 'arp -an || ip n' #nameservers lse_test "net530" "2" \ "Nameservers" \ 'grep "nameserver" /etc/resolv.conf' #systemd nameservers lse_test "net540" "2" \ "Systemd Nameservers" \ 'systemd-resolve --status || systemd-resolve --user --status' #listening TCP lse_test "net550" "2" \ "Listening TCP" \ 'netstat -tnlp || ss -tnlp' #listening UDP lse_test "net560" "2" \ "Listening UDP" \ 'netstat -unlp || ss -unlp' } #) #####################################################################( services lse_run_tests_services() { lse_header "srv" "services" ## System-V #check write permissions in init.d/* inetd.conf xinetd.conf lse_test "srv000" "0" \ "Can we write in service files?" \ 'printf "$lse_user_writable\n" | grep -E "^/etc/(init/|init\.d/|rc\.d/|rc[0-9S]\.d/|rc\.local|inetd\.conf|xinetd\.conf|xinetd\.d/)"' \ "fst000" #check write permissions for binaries involved in services lse_test "srv010" "0" \ "Can we write in binaries executed by services?" \ 'for b in $(grep -ERvh "^#" /etc/inetd.conf /etc/xinetd.conf /etc/xinetd.d/ /etc/init.d/ /etc/rc* 2>/dev/null | tr -s "[[:space:]]" "\n" | grep -E "^/" | grep -Ev "^/(dev|run|sys|proc|tmp)/" | sort -u); do [ -x "$b" ] && [ -w "$b" ] && echo "$b" done' #init.d files NOT belonging to root lse_test "srv020" "1" \ "Files in /etc/init.d/ not belonging to root" \ 'find /etc/init.d/ \! -uid 0 -type f | xargs -r ls -la' #rc.d/init.d files NOT belonging to root! lse_test "srv030" "1" \ "Files in /etc/rc.d/init.d not belonging to root" \ 'find /etc/rc.d/init.d \! -uid 0 -type f | xargs -r ls -la' # upstart scripts not belonging to root lse_test "srv040" "1" \ "Upstart files not belonging to root" \ 'find /etc/init \! -uid 0 -type f | xargs -r ls -la' #/usr/local/etc/rc.d files NOT belonging to root! lse_test "srv050" "1" \ "Files in /usr/local/etc/rc.d not belonging to root" \ 'find /usr/local/etc/rc.d \! -uid 0 -type f | xargs -r ls -la' #contents of inetd.conf lse_test "srv400" "2" \ "Contents of /etc/inetd.conf" \ 'cat /etc/inetd.conf' #xinetd info lse_test "srv410" "2" \ "Contents of /etc/xinetd.conf" \ 'cat /etc/xinetd.conf' #check xinetd.d and permissions lse_test "srv420" "2" \ "List /etc/xinetd.d if used" \ 'grep "/etc/xinetd.d" /etc/xinetd.conf ; ls -la /etc/xinetd.d' #permissions of init.d scripts lse_test "srv430" "2" \ "List /etc/init.d/ permissions" \ 'ls -la /etc/init.d' #rc.d/init.d permissions lse_test "srv440" "2" \ "List /etc/rc.d/init.d permissions" \ 'ls -la /etc/rc.d/init.d' #usr/rc.d permissions lse_test "srv450" "2" \ "List /usr/local/etc/rc.d permissions" \ 'ls -la /usr/local/etc/rc.d' # init permissions lse_test "srv460" "2" \ "List /etc/init/ permissions" \ 'ls -la /etc/init/' ## Systemd #check write permissions in systemd services lse_test "srv500" "0" \ "Can we write in systemd service files?" \ 'printf "$lse_user_writable\n" | grep -E "^/(etc/systemd/|lib/systemd/).+\.service$"' \ "fst000" #check write permissions for binaries involved in systemd services lse_test "srv510" "0" \ "Can we write in binaries executed by systemd services?" \ 'for b in $(grep -ERh "^Exec" /etc/systemd/ /lib/systemd/ 2>/dev/null | tr "=" "\n" | tr -s "[[:space:]]" "\n" | grep -E "^/" | grep -Ev "^/(dev|run|sys|proc|tmp)/" | sort -u); do [ -x "$b" ] && [ -w "$b" ] && echo "$b" done' # systemd files not belonging to root lse_test "srv520" "1" \ "Systemd files not belonging to root" \ 'find /lib/systemd/ /etc/systemd \! -uid 0 -type f | xargs -r ls -la' # systemd permissions lse_test "srv900" "2" \ "Systemd config files permissions" \ 'ls -lthR /lib/systemd/ /etc/systemd/' } #) #####################################################################( software lse_run_tests_software() { lse_header "sof" "software" #checks to see if root/root will get us a connection lse_test "sof000" "0" \ "Can we connect to MySQL with root/root credentials?" \ 'mysqladmin -uroot -proot version' #checks to see if we can connect as root without password lse_test "sof010" "0" \ "Can we connect to MySQL as root without password?" \ 'mysqladmin -uroot version' #check if there are credentials stored in .mysql-history lse_test "sof015" "0" \ "Are there credentials in mysql_history file?" \ 'grep -Ei "(pass|identified by|md5\()" "$lse_home/.mysql_history"' #checks to see if we can connect to postgres templates without password lse_test "sof020" "0" \ "Can we connect to PostgreSQL template0 as postgres and no pass?" \ 'psql -U postgres template0 -c "select version()" | grep version' lse_test "sof020" "0" \ "Can we connect to PostgreSQL template1 as postgres and no pass?" \ 'psql -U postgres template1 -c "select version()" | grep version' lse_test "sof020" "0" \ "Can we connect to PostgreSQL template0 as psql and no pass?" \ 'psql -U pgsql template0 -c "select version()" | grep version' lse_test "sof020" "0" \ "Can we connect to PostgreSQL template1 as psql and no pass?" \ 'psql -U pgsql template1 -c "select version()" | grep version' #installed apache modules lse_test "sof030" "1" \ "Installed apache modules" \ 'apache2ctl -M; httpd -M' #find htpassword files lse_test "sof040" "0" \ "Found any .htpasswd files?" \ 'find / $lse_find_opts -name "*.htpasswd" -print -exec cat {} \;' #check if there are ssh private keys in ssh-agent lse_test "sof050" "0" \ "Are there private keys in ssh-agent?" \ 'ssh-add -l | grep -iv "agent has no identities"' #check if there are gpg keys in gpg-agent lse_test "sof060" "0" \ "Are there gpg keys cached in gpg-agent?" \ 'gpg-connect-agent "keyinfo --list" /bye | grep "D - - 1"' #check if there is a writable ssh-agent socket lse_test "sof070" "0" \ "Can we write to a ssh-agent socket?" \ 'for f in $lse_user_writable; do test -S "$f" && printf "$f" | grep -Ea "ssh-[A-Za-z0-9]+/agent\.[0-9]+"; done' \ "fst000" #check if there is a writable gpg-agent socket lse_test "sof080" "0" \ "Can we write to a gpg-agent socket?" \ 'for f in $lse_user_writable; do test -S "$f" && printf "$f" | grep -a "gpg-agent"; done' \ "fst000" #find keepass database files lse_test "sof090" "0" \ "Found any keepass database files?" \ 'find / $lse_find_opts -regextype egrep -iregex ".*\.kdbx?" -readable -type f -print' #find pass database files lse_test "sof100" "0" \ "Found any 'pass' store directories?" \ 'find / $lse_find_opts -name ".password-store" -readable -type d -print' #check if any tmux session is active lse_test "sof110" "0" \ "Are there any tmux sessions available?" \ 'tmux list-sessions' #check for all tmux sessions for other users lse_test "sof120" "1" \ "Are there any tmux sessions from other users?" \ 'find /tmp -type d -regex "/tmp/tmux-[0-9]+" ! -user $lse_user' #check if we have write access to other users tmux sessions lse_test "sof130" "0" \ "Can we write to tmux session sockets from other users?" \ 'find /tmp -writable -type s -regex "/tmp/tmux-[0-9]+/.+" ! -user $lse_user -exec ls -l {} +' #check if there is any active screen session lse_test "sof140" "0" \ "Are any screen sessions available?" \ 'screen -ls >/dev/null && screen -ls' #find other users screen sessions lse_test "sof150" "1" \ "Are there any screen sessions from other users?" \ 'find /run/screen -type d -regex "/run/screen/S-.+" ! -user $lse_user' #find writable screen session sockets from other users lse_test "sof160" "0" \ "Can we write to screen session sockets from other users?" \ 'find /run/screen -type s -writable -regex "/run/screen/S-.+/.+" ! -user $lse_user -exec ls -l {} +' #check connection to mongoDB lse_test "sof170" "1" \ "Can we access MongoDB databases without credentials?" \ 'echo "show dbs" | mongo --quiet | grep -E "(admin|config|local)"' #find kerberos credentials lse_test "sof180" "0" \ "Can we access any Kerberos credentials?" \ 'find / $lse_find_opts -name "*.so" -prune -o \( -name "krb5cc*" -o -name "*.ccache" -o -name "*.kirbi" -o -name "*.keytab" \) -type f -readable -exec ls -lh {} +' #sudo version - check to see if there are any known vulnerabilities with this lse_test "sof500" "2" \ "Sudo version" \ 'sudo -V | grep "Sudo version"' #mysql details - if installed lse_test "sof510" "2" \ "MySQL version" \ 'mysql --version' #postgres details - if installed lse_test "sof520" "2" \ "Postgres version" \ 'psql -V' #apache details - if installed lse_test "sof530" "2" \ "Apache version" \ 'apache2 -v; httpd -v' #check tmux version lse_test "sof540" "2" \ "Tmux version" \ 'tmux -V' #check screen version lse_test "sof550" "2" \ "Screen version" \ 'screen -v' } #) ###################################################################( containers lse_run_tests_containers() { lse_header "ctn" "containers" #check to see if we are in a docker container lse_test "ctn000" "1" \ "Are we in a docker container?" \ 'grep -i docker /proc/self/cgroup; find / $lse_find_opts -name "*dockerenv*" -exec ls -la {} \;' #check to see if current host is running docker services lse_test "ctn010" "1" \ "Is docker available?" \ 'docker --version; docker ps -a; docker images' #is user a member of the docker group lse_test "ctn020" "0" \ "Is the user a member of the 'docker' group?" \ 'groups | grep -o docker' #check to see if we are in an lxc container lse_test "ctn200" "1" \ "Are we in a lxc container?" \ 'grep -a container=lxc /proc/1/environ | tr -d "\0"' #is user a member of any lxd/lxc group lse_test "ctn210" "0" \ "Is the user a member of any lxc/lxd group?" \ 'groups | grep $lse_grep_opts "lxc\|lxd"' } #) ####################################################################( processes lse_run_tests_processes() { lse_header "pro" "processes" #wait for the process monitor to finish gathering data lse_test "pro000" "2" \ "Waiting for the process monitor to finish" \ 'while [ ! -s "$lse_procmon_data" ]; do sleep 1; done; cat "$lse_procmon_data"'\ "" \ "lse_procs" #look for the paths of the process binaries lse_test "pro001" "2" \ "Retrieving process binaries" \ 'printf "%s" "$lse_procs" | cut -d" " -f5 | sort -u | xargs -r which' \ "pro000" \ 'lse_proc_bin' #look for the users running the lse_test "pro002" "2" \ "Retrieving process users" \ 'printf "%s" "$lse_procs" | cut -d" " -f4 | sort -u' \ "pro000" \ 'lse_proc_users' #check if we have write permissions in any process binary lse_test "pro010" "0" \ "Can we write in any process binary?" \ 'for b in $lse_proc_bin; do [ -w "$b" ] && echo $b; done'\ "pro001" #list processes running as root lse_test "pro020" "1" \ "Processes running with root permissions" \ 'printf "%s" "$lse_procs" | grep -E "^[^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+ root" | lse_proc_print' \ "pro000" #list processes running as users with shell lse_test "pro030" "1" \ "Processes running by non-root users with shell" \ 'for user in `printf "%s\n" "$lse_shell_users" | cut -d: -f1 | grep -v root`; do printf "%s" "$lse_proc_users" | grep -qE "(^| )$user( |\$)" && printf "\n\n------ $user ------\n\n\n" && printf "%s" "$lse_procs" | grep -E "^[^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+ $user" | lse_proc_print; done' \ "usr030 pro000 pro002" #running processes lse_test "pro500" "2" \ "Running processes" \ 'printf "%s\n" "$lse_procs" | lse_proc_print' \ "pro000" #list running process binaries and their permissions lse_test "pro510" "2" \ "Running process binaries and permissions" \ 'printf "%s\n" "$lse_proc_bin" | xargs ls -l' \ "pro001" } #) #########################################################################( CVEs lse_run_tests_cves() { lse_header "cve" "CVEs" if [ "${#lse_cve_list}" = 1 ]; then if [ -z "$lse_selection" ] || printf "%s" "$lse_selection" | grep -iq 'cve'; then printf "%s\n%s\n%s" \ " In order to test for CVEs, download lse.sh from the GitHub releases page." \ " Alternatively, build lse_cve.sh using tools/package_cvs_into_lse.sh from the" \ " repository." fi else for lse_cve in $lse_cve_list; do eval "$(printf '%s' "$lse_cve" | base64 -d | gunzip -c)" lse_test "$lse_cve_id" "$lse_cve_level" \ "$lse_cve_description" \ "lse_cve_test" done fi } #) # ##) #( Main main() { while getopts "hcCil:e:p:s:S" option; do case "${option}" in c) lse_color=false; lse_grep_opts='--color=never';; C) lse_alt_color=true;; e) lse_exclude_paths "${OPTARG}";; i) lse_interactive=false;; l) lse_set_level "${OPTARG}";; s) lse_selection="`printf \"%s\" \"${OPTARG}\"|sed 's/,/ /g'`";; p) lse_proc_time="${OPTARG}";; S) lse_serve; exit $?;; h) lse_help; exit 0;; *) lse_help; exit 1;; esac done #trap to exec on SIGINT trap "lse_exit 1" 2 # use alternative color scheme $lse_alt_color && lse_recolor lse_request_information lse_show_info PATH="$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin" #fix path just in case lse_distro_codename=`lse_get_distro_codename` lse_procmon & (sleep "$lse_proc_time"; rm -f "$lse_procmon_lock") & ## NO WAR lse_header "nowar" "humanity" lse_test "nowar0" "0" \ 'Should we question autocrats and their "military operations"?' \ 'cecho " $black$b_blue NO $reset\n $black$b_yellow WAR $reset"' lse_run_tests_users lse_run_tests_sudo lse_run_tests_filesystem lse_run_tests_system lse_run_tests_security lse_run_tests_recurrent_tasks lse_run_tests_network lse_run_tests_services lse_run_tests_software lse_run_tests_containers lse_run_tests_processes lse_run_tests_cves lse_exit 0 } [ ! "$lse_NO_EXEC" ] && main "$@" #)