2023-04-10 00:48:44 +02:00

717 lines
25 KiB

This is a library for all structures used in Game
Structures: 1. CANNONS
This is completely coded using PYGAME library of PYTHON 2.7
Lines - 717
# Imports
import pygame
import sys
from math import *
import random
display = None
width = 0
height = 0
margin = 0
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
def initStruct(screen, size, border=0):
global display, width, height, margin
display = screen
width = size[0]
height = size[1]
margin = border
def getCoordPoly(x, y, r, n, rotate=0, anchor=(0, 0)):
coords = []
for i in range(n):
coords.append([x - anchor[0] + r*cos(2*pi*i/n + rotate), y - anchor[1] + r*sin(2*pi*i/n + rotate)])
return coords[:]
class Shots:
def __init__(self, x, y, r1, speed, angle, color=(0, 0, 0), type="circle", r2=0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.r1 = r1
if r2 == 0:
self.r2 = r1
self.r2 = r2
self.type = type
self.speed = speed
self.angle = angle
self.color = color
def draw(self):
if self.type == "circle":
pygame.draw.ellipse(display, self.color, (self.x - self.r1, self.y - self.r2, self.r1*2, self.r2*2))
elif self.type == "line":
x2 = self.x + self.r1*cos(self.angle)
y2 = self.y + self.r1*sin(self.angle)
pygame.draw.line(display, self.color, (self.x, self.y), (x2, y2), 2)
def move(self):
self.x += self.speed*cos(self.angle)
self.y += self.speed*sin(self.angle)
class Cannon:
def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, size, range, baseR, level, radius, speed, colorBarrel=(0, 0, 0), colorHead=(0, 0, 0), colorBase=(255, 255, 255)):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.xOld = self.x
self.yOld = self.y
self.angle = 0
self.r = size
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.type = "CANNON"
self.attackType = "GROUND"
self.baseR = baseR
self.radius = radius
self.speed = speed
self.range = range
self.coord = getCoordPoly(self.x, self.y, self.r, 4)
self.rectCoord = []
self.shots = []
self.recoil = 3
self.rebound = 0.1
self.level = level
if self.level == 1:
self.colorBarrel = (23, 32, 42)
self.colorHead = (39, 55, 70)
self.colorBase = (123, 125, 125)
self.hitPoint = 420
self.damage = 8
elif self.level == 2:
self.colorBarrel = (11, 83, 69)
self.colorHead = (30, 132, 73)
self.colorBase = (23, 32, 42)
self.hitPoint = 640
self.damage = 33
self.headCover = (69, 179, 157)
elif self.level == 3:
self.colorBarrel = (21, 67, 96)
self.colorHead = (40, 116, 166)
self.colorBase = (144, 148, 151)
self.hitPoint = 830
self.damage = 32
self.rectCoord2 = []
elif self.level == 4:
self.colorBarrel = (23, 32, 42)
self.colorHead = (46, 64, 83)
self.colorBase = (144, 148, 151)
self.hitPoint = 1200
self.damage = 54
self.rectCoord2 = []
self.headCover = (133, 146, 158) = self.hitPoint
self.nearestPos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Agency FB", 20)
def updateHealth(self, troops):
error = self.baseR
for troop in troops:
if (abs(troop.nearestPos[0] - self.x) < error) and (abs(troop.nearestPos[1] - self.y) < error):
for shot in troop.shots:
if troop.isHit((shot.x, shot.y)): -= troop.damage
def isHit(self, coord):
error = self.baseR
dist = ((self.nearestPos[0] - coord[0])**2 + (self.nearestPos[1] - coord[1])**2)**0.5
if dist < error:
return True
return False
def removeHit(self):
tempList = self.shots[:]
for shot in self.shots:
if self.isHit((shot.x, shot.y)):
self.shots = tempList[:]
def rotate(self, coord, angle, anchor=(0, 0)):
corr = 270
return ((coord[0] - anchor[0])*cos(angle + radians(corr)) - (coord[1] - anchor[1])*sin(angle + radians(corr)),
(coord[0] - anchor[0])*sin(angle + radians(corr)) + (coord[1] - anchor[1])*cos(angle + radians(corr)))
def translate(self, coord):
return [coord[0] + self.x, coord[1] + self.y]
def shoot(self):
error = 0.05
if not ((abs(self.x - self.xOld) < error) and (abs(self.y - self.yOld) < error)):
self.x += self.rebound*cos(self.angle)
self.y += self.rebound*sin(self.angle)
pos = self.nearestPos
#pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
dist = ((self.xOld - pos[0])**2 + (self.yOld - pos[1])**2)**0.5
self.angle = atan2(pos[1] - self.yOld, pos[0] - self.xOld)
if dist < self.range/2:
shot = Shots((self.rectCoord[1][0] + self.rectCoord[2][0])/2, (self.rectCoord[1][1] + self.rectCoord[2][1])/2, self.radius, self.speed, self.angle, (0, 0, 0), "line")
if self.level >= 3:
shot = Shots((self.rectCoord2[1][0] + self.rectCoord2[2][0])/2, (self.rectCoord2[1][1] + self.rectCoord2[2][1])/2, self.radius, self.speed, self.angle, (0, 0, 0), "line")
self.x -= self.recoil*cos(self.angle)
self.y -= self.recoil*sin(self.angle)
tempList = self.shots[:]
for shot in self.shots:
if not ((margin < shot.x < width) and (margin < shot.y < height)):
self.shots = tempList[:]
def draw(self, troops):
if len(troops):
nearestPos = 0
lowestDist = float("inf")
for struct in troops:
if struct.type == "GROUND":
dist = (self.x - struct.x)**2 + (self.y - struct.y)**2
if lowestDist > dist:
self.nearestPos = [struct.x, struct.y]
lowestDist = dist
self.nearestPos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
pos = self.nearestPos
#pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
rotate = atan2(pos[1] - self.y, pos[0] - self.x)
points = [(0, 0), (0, self.h), (self.w, self.h), (self.w, 0)]
self.coord = getCoordPoly(self.x, self.y, self.r/2, 6, rotate)
if self.level <= 3:
self.rectCoord = []
for point in points:
self.rectCoord.append(self.translate(self.rotate(point, rotate, (self.w/2, 0))))
if self.level >= 3:
w = self.w/2
h = self.h
self.rectCoord = []
self.rectCoord2 = []
points = [(0, 0), (0, h), (w, h), (w, 0)]
for point in points:
self.rectCoord.append(self.translate(self.rotate(point, rotate, (w/2 + w, 0))))
self.rectCoord2.append(self.translate(self.rotate(point, rotate, (w/2 - w, 0))))
baseCoord = getCoordPoly(self.xOld, self.yOld, self.baseR, 4, radians(45))
pygame.draw.rect(display, (231, 76, 60), (self.x, self.y - self.baseR*2, 40, 8))
pygame.draw.rect(display, (0, 255, 0), (self.x + 1, self.y - self.baseR*2 + 1, int(.4*(float(*100) - 2, 8 - 2))
pygame.draw.polygon(display, self.colorBase, baseCoord)
pygame.draw.polygon(display, self.colorBarrel, self.rectCoord)
if self.level >= 3:
pygame.draw.polygon(display, self.colorBarrel, self.rectCoord2)
pygame.draw.polygon(display, self.colorHead, self.coord)
if self.level == 2 or self.level == 4:
pygame.draw.ellipse(display, self.headCover, (self.x - self.baseR/3, self.y - self.baseR/3, self.baseR*2/3, self.baseR*2/3))
#pygame.draw.ellipse(display, (0, 0, 0), (self.xOld - self.range/2, self.yOld - self.range/2, self.range, self.range), 1)
class Tower:
def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, size, range, baseR, level, radius, speed, colorBarrel=(0, 0, 0), colorHead=(0, 0, 0), colorBase=(255, 0, 0)):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.xOld = self.x
self.yOld = self.y
self.angle = 0
self.r = size
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.type = "TOWER"
self.baseR = baseR
self.radius = radius
self.speed = speed
self.range = range
self.coord = getCoordPoly(self.x, self.y, self.r, 4)
self.rectCoord = []
self.attackType = "GROUND AND AIR"
self.shots = []
self.recoil = 5
self.rebound = 0.25
self.level = level
if self.level == 1:
self.colorBarrel = (100, 30, 22)
self.colorHead = (100, 30, 22)
self.colorBase = (26, 82, 118)
self.hitPoint = 380
self.damage = 10
elif self.level == 2:
self.colorBarrel = (100, 30, 22)
self.colorHead = (100, 30, 22)
self.colorBase = (125, 102, 8)
self.hitPoint = 580
self.damage = 30
elif self.level == 3:
self.colorBarrel = (183, 149, 11)
self.colorHead = (185, 119, 14)
self.colorBase = (11, 83, 69)
self.colorBase2 = (39, 174, 96)
self.hitPoint = 810
self.damage = 60
elif self.level == 4:
self.colorBarrel = (23, 32, 42)
self.colorHead = (52, 73, 94)
self.colorBase = (21, 67, 96)
self.colorBase2 = (98, 101, 103)
self.hitPoint = 1230
self.damage = 90 = self.hitPoint
self.nearestPos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Agency FB", 20)
def updateHealth(self, troops):
error = self.r
for troop in troops:
if (abs(troop.nearestPos[0] - self.x) < error) and (abs(troop.nearestPos[1] - self.y) < error):
for shot in troop.shots:
if troop.isHit((shot.x, shot.y)): -= troop.damage
def isHit(self, coord):
error = self.r
dist = ((self.nearestPos[0] - coord[0])**2 + (self.nearestPos[1] - coord[1])**2)**0.5
if dist < error:
return True
return False
def removeHit(self):
tempList = self.shots[:]
for shot in self.shots:
if self.isHit((shot.x, shot.y)):
self.shots = tempList[:]
def rotate(self, coord, angle, anchor=(0, 0)):
corr = 270
return ((coord[0] - anchor[0])*cos(angle + radians(corr)) - (coord[1] - anchor[1])*sin(angle + radians(corr)),
(coord[0] - anchor[0])*sin(angle + radians(corr)) + (coord[1] - anchor[1])*cos(angle + radians(corr)))
def translate(self, coord):
return [coord[0] + self.x, coord[1] + self.y]
def shoot(self):
error = 0.1
if not ((abs(self.x - self.xOld) < error) and (abs(self.y - self.yOld) < error)):
self.x += self.rebound*cos(self.angle)
self.y += self.rebound*sin(self.angle)
#pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
pos = self.nearestPos
dist = ((self.xOld - pos[0])**2 + (self.yOld - pos[1])**2)**0.5
self.angle = atan2(pos[1] - self.yOld, pos[0] - self.xOld)
if dist < self.range/2:
shot = Shots((self.rectCoord[1][0] + self.rectCoord[2][0])/2, (self.rectCoord[1][1] + self.rectCoord[2][1])/2, self.radius, self.speed, self.angle, (0, 0, 0), "line")
self.x -= self.recoil*cos(self.angle)
self.y -= self.recoil*sin(self.angle)
tempList = self.shots[:]
for shot in self.shots:
if not ((margin < shot.x < width) and (margin < shot.y < height)):
self.shots = tempList[:]
def draw(self, troops):
if len(troops):
nearestPos = 0
lowestDist = float("inf")
for struct in troops:
if struct.type == "AIR" or struct.type == "GROUND":
dist = (self.x - struct.x)**2 + (self.y - struct.y)**2
if lowestDist > dist:
self.nearestPos = [struct.x, struct.y]
lowestDist = dist
self.nearestPos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
self.nearestPos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
#pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
pos = self.nearestPos
rotate = atan2(pos[1] - self.y, pos[0] - self.x)
if self.level == 4:
w = self.w*2
h = self.h
points = [(0, 0), (0, h), (w, h), (w, 0)]
self.rectCoord = []
for point in points:
self.rectCoord.append(self.translate(self.rotate(point, rotate, (w/2, 0))))
w = self.w
h = self.h
points = [(0, 0), (0, h), (w, h), (w, 0)]
self.rectCoord = []
for point in points:
self.rectCoord.append(self.translate(self.rotate(point, rotate, (w/2, 0))))
baseCoord = getCoordPoly(self.xOld, self.yOld, self.baseR, 6)
pygame.draw.rect(display, (231, 76, 60), (self.x, self.y - self.baseR*2, 40, 8))
pygame.draw.rect(display, (0, 255, 0), (self.x + 1, self.y - self.baseR*2 + 1, int(.4*(float(*100) - 2, 8 - 2))
pygame.draw.polygon(display, self.colorBase, baseCoord)
if self.level >= 3:
baseCoord2 = getCoordPoly(self.xOld, self.yOld, self.baseR*3/4, 6)
pygame.draw.polygon(display, self.colorBase2, baseCoord2)
pygame.draw.polygon(display, self.colorBarrel, self.rectCoord)
#pygame.draw.polygon(display, self.colorHead, self.coord)
pygame.draw.ellipse(display, self.colorHead, (self.x - self.r/2, self.y - self.r/2, self.r, self.r ))
#pygame.draw.ellipse(display, (0, 0, 0), (self.xOld - self.range/2, self.yOld - self.range/2, self.range, self.range), 1)
class Mortar:
def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, r, range, level, radius, speed, colorBarrel=(0, 0, 0), colorHead=(0, 0, 0), colorBase=(255, 0, 0)):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.xOld = self.x
self.yOld = self.y
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.r = r
self.level = level
if self.level == 1:
self.colorBarrel = (95, 106, 106)
self.colorHead = (46, 64, 83)
self.colorBase = (146, 43, 33)
self.range = range
self.hitPoint = 400
self.damage = 37
elif self.level == 2:
self.colorBarrel = (125, 102, 8)
self.colorHead = (11, 83, 69)
self.colorBase = (166, 172, 175)
self.colorHeadCover = (34, 153, 84)
self.range = range
self.hitPoint = 650
self.damage = 70
elif self.level == 3:
self.colorBarrel = (21, 67, 96)
self.colorHead = (36, 113, 163)
self.colorBase = (113, 125, 126)
self.colorBarrelHead = (46, 64, 83)
self.range = range
self.hitPoint = 850
self.damage = 130
self.radius = radius
self.speed = speed
self.type = "MORTAR"
self.attackType = "GROUND"
self.coord = []
self.rectCoord = []
self.shots = []
self.angle = 0
self.recoil = 7
self.rebound = 0.1 = self.hitPoint
self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Agency FB", 20)
self.nearestPos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
def updateHealth(self, troops):
error = 15
for troop in troops:
if (abs(troop.nearestPos[0] - self.x) < error) and (abs(troop.nearestPos[1] - self.y) < error):
for shot in troop.shots:
if troop.isHit((shot.x, shot.y)): -= troop.damage
def isHit(self, coord):
error = 50
dist = ((self.nearestPos[0] - coord[0])**2 + (self.nearestPos[1] - coord[1])**2)**0.5
if dist < self.r:
return True
return False
def removeHit(self):
tempList = self.shots[:]
for shot in self.shots:
if self.isHit((shot.x, shot.y)):
self.shots = tempList[:]
def shoot(self):
error = 0.05
if not ((abs(self.x - self.xOld) < error) and (abs(self.y - self.yOld) < error)):
self.x += self.rebound*cos(self.angle)
self.y += self.rebound*sin(self.angle)
#pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
pos = self.nearestPos
dist = ((self.xOld - pos[0])**2 + (self.yOld - pos[1])**2)**0.5
self.angle = atan2(pos[1] - self.yOld, pos[0] - self.xOld)
if dist < self.range/2:
self.x -= self.recoil*cos(self.angle)
self.y -= self.recoil*sin(self.angle)
shot = Shots((self.rectCoord[1][0] + self.rectCoord[2][0])/2, (self.rectCoord[1][1] + self.rectCoord[2][1])/2, self.radius, self.speed, self.angle)
tempList = self.shots[:]
for shot in self.shots:
if not ((margin < shot.x < width) and (margin < shot.y < height)):
self.shots = tempList[:]
def rotate(self, coord, angle, anchor=(0, 0)):
corr = 270
return ((coord[0] - anchor[0])*cos(angle + radians(corr)) - (coord[1] - anchor[1])*sin(angle + radians(corr)),
(coord[0] - anchor[0])*sin(angle + radians(corr)) + (coord[1] - anchor[1])*cos(angle + radians(corr)))
def translate(self, coord):
return [coord[0] + self.x, coord[1] + self.y]
def draw(self, troops):
if len(troops):
nearestPos = 0
lowestDist = float("inf")
for struct in troops:
if struct.type == "GROUND":
dist = (self.x - struct.x)**2 + (self.y - struct.y)**2
if lowestDist > dist:
self.nearestPos = [struct.x, struct.y]
lowestDist = dist
self.neasestPos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
self.nearestPos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
pos = self.nearestPos
#pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
rotate = atan2(pos[1] - self.y, pos[0] - self.x)
points = [(0, 0), (0, self.h), (self.w, self.h), (self.w, 0)]
self.coord = getCoordPoly(self.x, self.y, self.w*5/8, 8, rotate)
self.rectCoord = []
for point in points:
self.rectCoord.append(self.translate(self.rotate(point, rotate, (self.w/2, 0))))
baseCoord = getCoordPoly(self.xOld, self.yOld, self.r*2/5, 10)
pygame.draw.rect(display, (231, 76, 60), (self.x, self.y - self.r, 40, 8))
pygame.draw.rect(display, (0, 255, 0), (self.x + 1, self.y - self.r + 1, int(.4*(float(*100) - 2, 8 - 2))
pygame.draw.polygon(display, self.colorBase, baseCoord)
pygame.draw.polygon(display, self.colorBarrel, self.rectCoord)
pygame.draw.polygon(display, self.colorHead, self.coord)
if self.level == 2:
coord = getCoordPoly(self.x, self.y, self.w*3/8, 8, rotate)
pygame.draw.polygon(display, self.colorHeadCover, coord)
if self.level == 3:
coord = []
w = self.w*1.2
h = self.h/5
points = [(0, 0), (0, h), (w, h), (w, 0)]
for point in points:
coord.append(self.translate(self.rotate(point, rotate, (w/2, h/2 - self.h))))
pygame.draw.polygon(display, self.colorBarrelHead, coord)
#pygame.draw.ellipse(display, (0, 0, 0), (self.xOld - self.range/2, self.yOld - self.range/2, self.range, self.range), 1)
class HeadQuarters:
def __init__(self, x, y, r, level, color1=(0, 0, 0), color2=(255, 255, 0)):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.r = r
self.type = "HEADQUARTERS"
self.color1 = (23, 32, 42)
self.color2 = (113, 125, 126)
self.level = level + 1
if self.level == 2:
self.hitPoint = 570
elif self.level == 3:
self.hitPoint = 1500
elif self.level == 4:
self.hitPoint = 3000
elif self.level == 5:
self.hitPoint = 4500
elif self.level == 6:
self.hitPoint = 6000 = self.hitPoint
self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Agency FB", 20)
def updateHealth(self, troops):
error = 15
for troop in troops:
if (abs(troop.nearestPos[0] - self.x) < error) and (abs(troop.nearestPos[1] - self.y) < error):
for shot in troop.shots:
if troop.isHit((shot.x, shot.y)): -= troop.damage
def draw(self):
pygame.draw.rect(display, (231, 76, 60), (self.x, self.y - self.r*1.5, 40, 8))
pygame.draw.rect(display, (0, 255, 0), (self.x + 1, self.y - self.r*1.5 + 1, int(.4*(float(*100) - 2, 8 - 2))
outer = []
inner = []
for i in range(self.level):
coord = getCoordPoly(self.x, self.y, self.r - (2.0/3)*self.r*(i)/(self.level), 5)
if i == 0:
outer = coord
elif i == self.level - 1:
inner = coord
if i%2 == 0:
pygame.draw.polygon(display, self.color1, coord)
pygame.draw.polygon(display, self.color2, coord)
for i in range(5):
pygame.draw.line(display, self.color2, outer[i], inner[i], 3)
gray = (121, 125, 127)
darkGray = (28, 40, 51)
yellow = (212, 172, 13)
red = (203, 67, 53)
orange = (202, 111, 30)
blue = (36, 113, 163)
green = (17, 122, 101)
violet = (125, 60, 152)
class Resource:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.r = random.randrange(20, 40)
self.type = "RESOURCE"
colors = [gray, darkGray, yellow, red, orange, blue, green, violet]
self.color1 = random.choice(colors)
self.color2 = random.choice(colors)
self.sides = random.randrange(4, 10)
self.hitPoint = random.randrange(250, 700) = self.hitPoint
self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Agency FB", 20)
def updateHealth(self, troops):
error = 15
for troop in troops:
if (abs(troop.nearestPos[0] - self.x) < error) and (abs(troop.nearestPos[1] - self.y) < error):
for shot in troop.shots:
if troop.isHit((shot.x, shot.y)): -= troop.damage
def draw(self):
pygame.draw.rect(display, (231, 76, 60), (self.x, self.y - self.r*1.5, 40, 8))
pygame.draw.rect(display, (0, 255, 0), (self.x + 1, self.y - self.r*1.5 + 1, int(.4*(float(*100) - 2, 8 - 2))
outer = []
inner = []
level = self.sides
for i in range(level):
coord = getCoordPoly(self.x, self.y, self.r - (2.0/3)*self.r*(i)/(self.sides), self.sides)
if i == 0:
outer = coord
elif i == level - 1:
inner = coord
if i%2 == 0:
pygame.draw.polygon(display, self.color1, coord)
pygame.draw.polygon(display, self.color2, coord)
for i in range(level):
pygame.draw.line(display, self.color2, outer[i], inner[i], 3)