2024-08-17 21:08:24 +02:00

15 lines
820 B

telegram_token: ""
openai_api_key: ""
openai_api_base: null # leave null to use default api base or you can put your own base url here
allowed_telegram_usernames: [] # if empty, the bot is available to anyone. pass a username string to allow it and/or user ids as positive integers and/or channel ids as negative integers
new_dialog_timeout: 600 # new dialog starts after timeout (in seconds)
return_n_generated_images: 1
n_chat_modes_per_page: 5
image_size: "512x512" # the image size for image generation. Generated images can have a size of 256x256, 512x512, or 1024x1024 pixels. Smaller sizes are faster to generate.
enable_message_streaming: true # if set, messages will be shown to user word-by-word
# prices
chatgpt_price_per_1000_tokens: 0.002
gpt_price_per_1000_tokens: 0.02
whisper_price_per_1_min: 0.006