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What is the purpose of repository?

To learn, of course :)

Are these real DevOps interview questions?

Well, first of all, most of the questions in this repo aren't really DevOps questions. They are operational, development, HR, ... questions. Probably less than 1% percentage are actual DevOps questions but whether we like it or not, some interviews include them and this is why they are in this repository.

Also, coding-operational-HR-...-interview-questions is too long name for a repository

Should I be familiar with all the tools/platforms/... listed in this repository?

NO NO NO! :) I won't give you the crap of "DevOps is a culture, not a role" kind of stuff but one thing is for sure, DevOps is not about being familiar with all the existing tools.

With that being said, there are some concepts, tools, platforms, ... that are quite common in jobs requirements. Take Linux for example. While Linux is not part of 100% of DevOps roles out there (go figure it out...) it's still quite desired skill and probably appear as a requirement in more than 80% of DevOps roles if I had to guess. So go learn some Linux ;)

How should I prepare for my DevOps interview?

Excellent question. We are exploring it here If you have any idea how, please contribute to that file :)

Why there are no answers to most of the questions?

Because we need more contributors ;) Also because the maintainer really likes to ask questions and less answering them :)

Can I add questions and/or answers?

I'll simply imagine you didn't ask that on an open source project...