2019-10-03 19:03:08 +01:00

972 B

DevOps Interview Questions


  • Explain what is Jenkins and what is it used for
  • Explain each of the following in the context of nodes:
    • Master
    • Slave
    • Executor
    • Agent
    • Label
  • Explain each of the following in context of jobs:
    • Job
    • Build
    • Test
    • Artifacts
  • Explain the architecture of Jenkins
  • What are the different ways to trigger a build?
  • How do you start a build automatically upon a change in a certain repository?
  • What is a plugin?
    • What plugins are you using in Jenkins? Which do you consider to most useful?
  • Installation questions
    • How to install Jenkins?
    • How to install a plugin?
    • How to install an agent?
  • What type of jobs there are?
  • How do you notify users on build results?
    • Can also be asked like that: what ways there are to notify users on build results?
  • Write a script to remove all the jobs which include the string "REMOVE_ME"